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Saturday, February 18, 2017

The Last of the Farc Rebels Arrive in Demobilization Zones

Columbia's Largest Rebel Group Due to Turn in its Weapons 

Erin Worley 
Feb. 18, 2017 

The last of The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia (Farc) have arrived in demobilization zones to turn in their weapons--ending more than half a century of fighting. The Farc have been causing unrest in the country since 1964 when they took up arms against the Columbian government. 

The Farc, which mainly consist of poor farmers and plantation workers, began their revolt against the government due in the 1960's because of the overwhelming inequality in the country. The main source of the inequality started in the 19th century when the country began paying off its debts by selling large chunks of land to private owners. 

The Marxist-Leninist ideology of the Farc was met with rough opposition from the government. The Farc began losing their power in recent years when the U.S. government started sending millions of dollars in aid, training and supplies to Colombian security forces in an attempt to fight the Farc rebels. 

The Columbian government and Farc finally agreed to a peace treaty aimed at stopping the fighting and restoring peace in the war-torn country. While many Farc rebels have voiced concern about the government not upholding their end of the deal, they have still turned in their weapons and are waiting in camps for shelter and further instruction.

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